Daily Archives: December 19, 2018

What We’re Following in 2019

The Legislative season will soon be upon us, and NEA-NH has already reviewed the list of Legislative Service Requests (that’s what bills are called before they are officially submitted) from those likely to have an impact on our students, schools, and members. While LSR’s are only bill titles at this point, and its not possible with certainty to determine the impact of each new bill, we have identified more than 180 bills to keep an eye on this January. We’ll be keeping track of bills relating to school funding, safety, educator credentials and rights, retirement, and the opiod crisis.  A […]

Update on NEA-NH’s Mental Health Efforts

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act.  It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices, and it is integrally linked to our physical health. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. NEA-NH promotes a greater emphasis on awareness of mental health needs and early intervention services to ensure that all of us can enjoy the highest quality of life possible.  This is especially important in a school setting, where our children are developing into young adults and […]

When is a Diploma Not a Diploma?

Commissioner Edelblut’s new rule proposal means anyone with a background check and lesson plan can grant graduation credits On December 13, Governor Sununu’s hand-picked Commissioner of Education announced a new rule change designed to allow anyone to grant credit towards high school graduation. If this rule is allowed to stand, it would now be possible for a student to receive a diploma from a New Hampshire public high school they never attended from credits they earned on assessments by non-certified teachers. This diploma would carry the same weight and value as one earned by a student who attended school every day […]