Daily Archives: May 8, 2018

Dear Gov. Sununu; You Have Underestimated Us Once Again

An open letter to Governor Sununu:   Dear Governor Sununu, We are aware that SB193 supporters have tied their unconstitutional voucher bill to the bill authorizing the public-school employee death benefit, among other education related bills.  The thousands of school employees in this state, along with their families and supporters find this tactic reprehensible.  If you believed that we would be moved to offer support for a bill that robs millions from public school children across the state to save the death benefit bill, then you have grossly underestimated the lengths to which public school employees will go to protect […]

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!

Today, Americans in cities and towns all over the nation are celebrating National Teacher Day, a day set aside to honor educators in every community. I want to thank you for your commitment to your students, and for the work you do each day to create safe, inviting, engaging classrooms, and great public schools for every student. Teachers give so much. A boost of confidence when we really need one. Extra help when we’re having trouble. A welcoming presence when everything else seems out of control. You have made countless lives better, and today I want to add my voice […]