Monthly Archives: April 2018

NEA-NH Links Sununu’s Failure to Endorse Educator Death Benefit Bill to Committee Vote to Kill the Bill

HB 1415 would have provided a $100,000 death benefit payment for educators killed in the line of duty. The bill mirrors a similar benefit currently provided to first responders. CONCORD, NH, April 18, 2018 – NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle blamed Governor Sununu’s failure to endorse HB1415 as the reason the Senate Finance Committee voted to kill the bill today. HB1415 would have provided a $100,000 death benefit payment for educators killed in the line of duty. The bill mirrors a similar benefit currently provided to first responders. “On behalf of the 17,000 NEA-NH members who work in public schools where […]

Legislative Update – 4/6/2018

With crossover day happening yesterday, the Senate began work on House bills (and vice-versa) this week. Educator Death Benefit Passes Senate Committee Unanimously The NEA-NH backed bill to extend the $100,000 Death Benefit that currently covers police and firefighters to educators killed in the line of duty, was heard in the Senate Executive Departments and Administration Committee on Wednesday. Following the hearing, the committee voted unanimously to pass the bill, with a full vote in the Senate next week. Too often we contact our elected officials asking them to pass or oppose legislation, but then forget to say thank you […]

Someone Will Win a Free Membership. Will It Be You?

With the help of pro-education and pro-labor Representatives in both parties, NEA-New Hampshire has been able to defeat a number of anti-education and anti-labor bills this Legislative session, although a few stragglers, most notably vouchers, remain. While defeating these bills is good, we need to be proactive, not reactive. We need to elect more pro-education candidates, so that we can introduce legislation that will improve education in this state, not just stop it from getting worse. The importance of electing pro-education and pro-labor candidates up and down the ballot has never been greater. To do that, Apple Corps, the New […]