Daily Archives: September 15, 2017

NEA-NH Retirement Seminar Schedule Released

We all hope for a well-deserved retirement with financial security. NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present seminars to help you plan and prepare. A well-planned retirement can result in fiscal security, but there are many factors to consider. Come and learn how to take full advantage of the resources available to you. Registration for this seminar is $10 per person for NEA-NH members; each can bring one guest for an additional $10. We will review many pieces of the retirement puzzle, including:  The NH Retirement System  Medicare  Financial Planning  NEA Member Benefits for Retirees Seminars run from […]

NH Department of Education Selects New Vendor for Statewide Testing

The state of Department of Education has entered into a contract with the American Institute for Research, AIR, for a new standardized test for New Hampshire. NEA-NH continues too look into the impact this change will have on our students and educators and will post updates as we learn more about the new tests. For now, this is what what have learned: The AIR test is based upon the Common Core Standards so it will be testing the same knowledge as the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. The specifications for the test items are different than the SBAC assessment […]