Daily Archives: September 7, 2017

Changes in Paraeducator 1 Certification Process Have Many Asking Questions

The New Hampshire state Board of Education recently voted to adopt changes in the certification requirements for paraeducators “The Department of Education has really degraded Para 1 certification to the basic minimum required to be employed,” said Jill Owens, NEA-NH Executive Board member and Education Support Professional in Hampstead.  “When our paras first became certified after working to fill out the Competency form required under the old rule, they had a whole new view of their capabilities and worth.  It is hard to put into words, but their job became a career, complete with NH State certification.” Under the old […]

NEA-New Hampshire and the Manchester Monarchs Team-up for 20th Anniversary of Read Across America

Read across America and Read Across New Hampshire will have a new look this year.  NEA-NH, along with the Children’s Fund, have joined forces with the Manchester Monarchs for a season of healthy reading. “This is a wonderful opportunity to bring the celebration of reading and literacy into our classrooms and schools all year long as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of NEA’s Read Across America,” said NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle. NEA and NEA-NH are building a nation of readers through our signature program, NEA’s Read Across America. Now in its 20th year, this year-round program focuses on motivating children […]

Community Coalition Fights to Save Local Schools

Keep Woodsville Open coalition using live-streaming and other tools to keep residents informed When the residents and educators in Haverhill learned there was a movement to convince officials and voters to send the town’s children to Vermont for school to avoid paying for needed repairs on their own schools, they went to work. Concerned citizens, along with current and former students, came together to discuss the funding needed for upgrades and updates at Woodsville Elementary School and Woodsville High School.  Out of these discussions, the Keep Woodsville Open (KWO) coalition was formed and currently includes local citizens, students, alumni, and […]