Monthly Archives: August 2017

Healthy Living Series Symposium – Concussions: Risks, Realities, and Reforms

Join us for an important Concussion Symposium Concussions are far more serious than just a bump on the head. Join WMUR Sports Anchor, Jason King, as he moderates our panel of esteemed experts in a discussion on concussions. Michael McCann, Legal Analyst for Sports llustrated and journalist, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at UNH Law and Professor of Law at the UNH Law Sports and Entertainment Law Institute (SELI). Matt Chatham, Retired linebacker for the New England Patriots who contributed to three of the Patriots’ Super Bowl victories. Dr. Bill Storo, Pediatrician at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Concord, specializing in concussion injuries and prevention. Drew […]

Unite Against Hate

Resources for students, educators, and families to address and engage in the national dialogue about racism, hate, and bias in the wake of recent events in Charlottesville. Together we must foster safe spaces to move towards justice in education. “Hate, violence, and racism have no place on our campuses or our cities. We are powerful in our diversity.” – NEA President Lily Eskelsen García In the wake of the recent events in Charlottesville, NEA’s Centers for Communications and Social Justice have pulled together a variety of resources for educators, parents, and students at We encourage you to read and […]

NEA-NH’s Postcards to the Commissioner Campaign

NEA-NH members wrote postcards to Education Commissioner Edelblut describing how they make a difference every day. Before becoming Commissioner of the Department of Education, Frank Edelblut had never set foot in a public school.  Now that he is in his new job, it is important that he understand just what being a public-school employee is all about.  Educators from across New Hampshire took the time to write a short postcard to the Commissioner describing in a sentence or two just one positive impact they made that day. “The real value of neighborhood public schools comes from all the people who […]


The company that provided service for and hosted the NEA-NH App has gone out of business. In the short term this means that the NEA-NH is no longer live. Please DELETE the NEA-NH App from your devices. A new version of the app is under construction and will be available shortly. We will let you know as soon as the new app is available.