Daily Archives: May 11, 2017

My Turn: Past Decade Has Seen Big Changes in Education

By TOM RAFFIO For the Monitor Wednesday, May 10, 2017 I’m sorry to leave the State Board of Education but am pleased with what we’ve accomplished over my 10-year term, the last five as chairman. I’m most proud of the working relationship we built between the board and the department and, most importantly, with parents, educators, and businesses throughout the state. One of the board’s key priorities since I came on 10 years ago has been to help our schools move toward personalized competency education. This is a big change for our whole school system. It’s a new way of […]

A headshot of Megan Tuttle

NEA-NH Presidents Comments to State Board of Education

This morning, NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle provided the following remarks during the public comment portion of the New Hampshire State Board of Education meeting: Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Megan Tuttle and I am the President of NEA-New Hampshire. Your agenda for today includes discussion on proposals to revise the New Hampshire English Language Arts standards and the Mathematics standards. The 17,000 members of NEA-NH, frontline employees in the daily challenge to bring the goals of the standards to life for our students, urge you to reconsider this action. After 18 years of teaching, I can confidently […]