Yearly Archives: 2017

NEA-NH Statement on SB 193

NH Legislature Plans to Raise Property Taxes by Starving Towns of Millions of Dollars. Concord, NH, December 20, 2017 – NEA-New Hampshire North Country Executive Board Member Jon Dugan-Henriksen released the following statement on SB 193, the Legislature’s disastrous plan to raise local property taxes to benefit well-off private schools. “Vouchers will divert public tax dollars from schools that need it, to private schools and individuals who will use it with little to no oversight, leaving our state to ensure adequacy with aid money that does not exist,” said Dugan-Henriksen. “Data from other states show no evidence that vouchers improve […]

NEA-NH and the Monarchs Team Up to Read Across New Hampshire

NEA-NH, along with the Children’s Fund, have joined forces with the Manchester Monarchs for a season of healthy reading.  An affiliate of the L.A. Kings, the Monarchs have been an important economic driver for the city and region as well as one of the best minor league hockey teams in the country for the last 16 years. But it’s not just because they provide great entertainment value and an exciting brand of hockey that we have chosen to partner with the Monarchs.  Over the course of their history the Monarchs have been very active in the community through the Monarchs […]

NEA-NH Election Notice

Strong leadership can drive positive change, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Is it your turn to lead? All candidates for office must file in writing for the office for which they wish to run. All that is needed is a simple statement of your intent to be a candidate and the office for which you are running. For example, “It is my intent to run for Executive Board member for the North Country Region.”  Include your name and the local association in which you are a member. This statement needs to be sent to: The Elections Committee, c/o Rick Trombly, NEA–NH, 9 South Spring Street, Concord, […]

NEA-NH Municipal Election Recommendations

NEA-NH’s recommendations for the November 7, 2017 elections can be found here. Included with the recommendations is information on polling locations and other ballot questions. Every vote matters — be sure to encourage your friends and family to make it out to the polls. [btn text=”NEA-NH Recommendations” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”]  

ACA 2018 Exchange Enrollment Begins Nov 1; What You Need to Know

If you have members, family, or friends who need to enroll or re-enroll in a 2018 health insurance exchange marketplace plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), please share the following with them in light of a series of actions taken by the Trump administration. The administration’s actions include cutting the ACA’s enrollment period, scheduling maintenance of the website during high enrollment days, and cutting ACA advertising and outreach efforts.   1. Open Enrollment Period has been cut by 6 weeks Open enrollment for plans offered on federally-facilitated and state-based exchange marketplaces begins Wednesday, November 1, 2017, and runs […]

NEA-New Hampshire’s 2018 Legislative Priorities

Another legislative session begins soon, and NEA-NH is ready to promote and defend public education and educators in Concord. Vouchers: Regardless of what they’re called; vouchers, education savings accounts, or tuition tax credits; these schemes all rob public schools of vital public funding and resources.  Taxpayer money from hard working families across the state should not end up in the untraceable bank accounts of private schools. A child’s opportunity for success should never be left to chance – whether it’s a charter school lottery or a privater school voucher – both are risky propositions with no assurances.  What every child […]