Children’s Fund

LittleGir-withbookswebNew Hampshire Foundation for Teaching and Learning Children’s Fund

The Children’s Fund has been focused on improving teaching, student learning and education for public school teachers and students across the state.

NHFTL is a direct impact program, making a difference one child at a time.

We are committed to improving student achievement in New Hampshire public schools, providing learning opportunities for teachers and students, and ensuring that all students are ready to learn.

A child’s physical, social or emotional needs should never stand in the way of classroom success.

NHFTL works to provide public school students with items and services needed for school success that are not provided by other agencies.

Things like glasses, clothing, medical care, transportation and school supplies, to name just a few of the ways NHFTL has stepped in with emergency stopgap measures for New Hampshire’s public school children.

You make it happen.  Donate Today!

The grant money the Fund uses comes from donations from people like you, and from fundraising events such as the annual Golf Tournament and Prize Calendar.