NEA-NH Member Resources



Collective Bargaining Factsheets

To help NEA and its affiliates promote and defend collective bargaining, NEA has developed four factsheets for use with such audiences as legislators, school board members, parents, and the general public. They may also be helpful in educating members and organizing non-members.
Setting the Record Straight (PDF, 4 pgs, 725kb) This factsheet discusses several hot-button issues, including public employee pay and benefits, tenure, seniority, and dues deduction and provides no-nonsense facts in response.
Professional Development Benefits Students (PDF, 2 pgs, 463kb) This factsheet focuses on the importance of professional development in the complex, ever-changing teaching profession. The factsheet summarizes key aspects of quality professional development and emphasizes that collective bargaining between teachers and their employers can create a culture of professional learning.
What It Is and How It Works (PDF, 3 pgs, 675kb) This factsheet includes a step-by-step outline of the bargaining process to demystify bargaining for those who aren’t familiar with it. The factsheet emphasizes that collective bargaining is good public policy and gives workers a voice in their workplace.
Bargaining Benefits Everyone in Education (PDF, 2 pgs, 717kb) This factsheet explores how bargaining can improve teaching and learning conditions and stresses that through bargaining, “everyone connected to the school—students, teachers, education support professionals, administrators, and taxpayers—benefits.”

Teachers in Transition

Website from the Office of Workforce Opportunity designed especially for teachers and paraprofessionals who have lost their jobs.

Handbook for Laid-Off School Employees

A publication of NEA-New Hampshire


National Education Association


The NEA Foundation


New Hampshire Department of Education


Health Benefit Plans of the New Hampshire School Health Care Coalition


New Hampshire Retirement System

Northeast Delta Dental